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How to Use the Amazon Brand Referral Bonus Programs and Attribution Programs

Discover how to use Attribution & Brand Referral Bonus to generate outside visitors to improve your product rankings and enhance your sales on Amazon.

Perhaps you are curious about how the Amazon Attribution and Amazon Brand Referral Bonus programs can help you grow your company.

More sellers are seeking strategies to bring outside traffic to their Amazon product detail page as the cost per click (CPC) on the marketplace increases and the company takes a firmer stance against black hat ranking techniques.

Additionally, some firms will turn to advertising off Amazon to help generate the conversions required to reach those ranks, especially those without Direct to Consumer (DTC) websites or those wishing to employ sales from outside traffic sources.

Sending external traffic to Amazon in the past had the drawback that it was unable to monitor its performance and conversion rates.

Since Amazon does not permit the addition of pixels to their product detail pages, it was challenging to evaluate the success of outside ads that directed customers to Amazon.

You had to factor in Amazon's fees on top of the cost of advertising in your profitability estimates, which was in addition to the lack of transparency regarding how your external traffic was performing.

Amazon has established two programs that cooperate to assist you to monitor how external traffic is doing and receive credit back on the fees for the products you submitted to Amazon in order to remedy this issue.

The Amazon Attribution and the Amazon Brand Referral Bonus are these programs.

Why Promote Amazon From Outside?

Due to the enhanced visibility of campaign results and the reduced cost for many products, driving traffic to your product detail page from within the Amazon Advertising network is generally the best option.

To drive outside traffic to Amazon does make sense occasionally, though.

Because Amazon's Top of Funnel advertising solutions is still in the early stages of development, some of the targetings are not as sophisticated as what you can find on other platforms.

Outside of Amazon, on platforms like Facebook, Google, or Instagram, there may be additional options to market efficiently to particular demographics or target groups.

The quantity of creativity that you may use in your ads is also significantly constrained by the majority of Amazon's advertising offerings.

The primary creatives for many Amazon advertising ad kinds come directly from the listing. As a result, it may be challenging to create advertisements that are tailored for various audiences or that promote product awareness or education.

Ads made without using Amazon typically have more latitude for text and visual creativity.

Sending outside traffic to Amazon can generally be more expensive because you have to pay Amazon fees in addition to the outside costs of the ads.

Because of this added expense, your return on ad investment will need to be higher to be profitable.

Not all sellers or product types will have this as a choice. But when done properly, we have observed an increase in overall sales and profitability if your margin allows for it.

Amazon's Brand Referral Bonus Program for Attribution

There are two initiatives that can assist you in raising awareness of your campaigns and lowering the overall cost in those circumstances where it makes sense to send traffic from sources other than Amazon.

For some years now, there has been an Amazon Attribution scheme. You can use it to direct outside traffic and get particular information about the traffic results you provide to Amazon.

Amazon launched the Brand Referral Bonus program in July 2021.

With this program, when you direct outside traffic to your product detail page on Amazon, Amazon will lower the referral fees you pay for the goods you sell.

Keep in mind that participation in the Amazon Attribution program and Brand Registry is a prerequisite for using the Brand Referral Bonus program.

The specifics of both initiatives are listed below.

Program for Amazon Attribution

You can use this application to monitor particular traffic metrics for links that attribute traffic to Amazon.

In accordance with the program, Amazon develops a unique link that monitors particular metrics produced as a result of the traffic you directed to your product description page.

As stated on Amazon:

Clicks as well as Amazon conversion data, like views of detail pages, Add to Cart actions, and purchases, are included in attribution reports. Reporting is accessible through the console and downloaded reports.

You must sign up for Amazon's Brand Registry program in order to take part in this program. You can take part in the Amazon IP Accelerator program even without a live trademark.

You are provided a bespoke link and a 14-day last-touch, cross-device attribution model as part of the Amazon Attribution system.

Program for Amazon Brand Referral Bonuses

In reality, Amazon Attribution is a subset of the Amazon Brand Referral Bonus. According to Amazon, brands typically make 10% of their qualifying sales.

The way the program is designed, you will get reimbursed for referral fees you would otherwise pay as your products sell on the Amazon platform when you send outside traffic through it in conjunction with Amazon Attribution.

Similar to how referral fees are computed on the platform, the amount of referral fee credit you receive will depend on the category of your product.

Depending on the type of advertisement, the attribution window can last up to 14 days.

Remember that the bonus won't be applied to your account for two months after the Amazon transaction has taken place.

If your sale took place in December, for instance, you wouldn't get paid into your Seller Central account until February.

This enables client cancellations and returns.

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